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sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2010

Moçambique Perigo Ataques Piratas ao Largo da Costa Moçambicana

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Dois ataques de piratas ao largo da costa moçambicana

Perigo Piratas tentaram atacar dois navios mercantes ao largo de Moçambique na véspera e no dia de Natal, anunciou ontem a força naval europeia de combate à pirataria, Atalanta.

O petroleiro NS Africa, registado na Libéria, e o cargueiro Majestic, do Panamá, repeliram os dois ataques de piratas, que tiveram lugar na véspera e no dia de Natal a norte do porto da Beira, indicou um porta-voz da Atalanta, Paddy O'Kennedy.

"Os navios foram atacados 19 graus a sul (do Equador), muito abaixo do que é habitual", sublinhou o porta-voz em declarações por telefone à agência France Presse.

Seis piratas tentaram abordar os navios a bordo de embarcações ligeiras, indicou. O NS Africa escapou ao ataque com uma manobra evasiva e o Majestic ripostou aos tiros dos assaltantes.

Estes incidentes revelam que os piratas, muitas vezes somalis, estão a atacar mais a sul do que é habitual.

Bunda de Kim Kardashian Eleito Melhor Traseiro de 2010 "The Sun" Top Butt Video

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O jornal "The Sun" elegeu o traseiro de Kim Kardashian como o melhor traseiro de 2010 e o músico Parry  Gripp, já lhe dedicou um divertido tema musical intitulado "Kim Kardashian's butt"

Com o aproximar do final do ano começam também a surgir os mais variados top's. Segundo uma votação online organizada pelo jornal britânico "The Sun", o traseiro de Kim Kardashian foi eleito o melhor de 2010.

A sensual socialite norte-americana, de quem se disse ter tido um romance com Cristiano Ronaldo, bateu concorrentes de peso como Jennifer Lopez, que ficou no segundo lugar, ou a cantora Beyoncé, que ocupou a terceira posição. A actriz Jessica Biel surge em quarto lugar da lista, seguida de Lady Gaga, em quinto. A cantora colômbiana Shakira surge em sexto lugar e Rihanna em sétimo.

O agora "premiado" traseiro de Kim Kardashian também não passou despercebido ao músico Parry Gripp, que lhe dedicou um divertido tema intitulado "Kim Kardashian's butt"

Por vezes, ter um traseiro como o de Kim Kardashian não ajuda. Veja o que lhe aconteceu quando saiu à rua com um vestido muito justo e deixou cair a carteira.


Brasil Apresentou Proposta na ONU para Policiar Censurar e Controlar a Internet: Agenda Global NWO - Fim da Internet e da Liberdade de Expressão

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ONU Nova Ordem Mundial (NWO) Agenda Global: Fim da Internet e da Liberdade de Expressão devido ao escândalo Wikileaks

United Nation Planning to Control The Internet

A ONU está considerando a possibilidade de criar um grupo inter-governamental de trabalho para harmonizar os esforços globais dos decisores políticos para regular e controlar a internet.

A criação deste grupo de trabalho tem o apoio de vários países, liderados pelo Brasil.

Numa reunião em Nova York na quarta-feira, dia 16 de Dezembro, representantes do Brasil apresentaram uma proposta para criar uma entidade internacional formada por representantes dos Governos para criar padrões globais para o policiamento da internet - mais especificamente em reacção a desafios como o Wikileaks.

O delegado brasileiro destacou, porém, que isso não deve ser visto como um convite à apresentação de um "takeover" da internet.

John Hilvert
IT News
Sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2010

Wikileaks Irão bloqueia El País após notícia sobre bofetada a Ahmadinejad

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Wikileaks: Irão bloqueia acesso ao "El País" após notícia sobre bofetada a Ahmadinejad

O Irão bloqueou hoje o acesso à página internet do "El País", que publicou um telegrama diplomático divulgado pelo site Wikileaks segundo o qual o chefe da Guarda Revolucionária iraniana deu uma bofetada ao presidente Mahmud Ahmadinejad

O "El País " reproduz hoje um telegrama da embaixada dos Estados Unidos
no Azerbaijão, datado de 11 de fevereiro de 2010 e divulgado pelo Wikileaks, no qual o diplomata Rob Garverick dá conta de contactos com uma fonte iraniana, cuja identidade é protegida.

O telegrama refere que o chefe dos Guardas da Revolução, Mohamed Ali
Jafari, deu uma bofetada a Ahmadinejad depois de uma acalorada discussão no Conselho Supremo de Segurança Nacional, em janeiro de 2010, sobre como lidar com os protestos que se seguiram às polémicas eleições de junho de 2009.

Posição liberal de Ahmadinejad surpreendeu os membros do Conselho

Durante a reunião, segundo o relato da fonte iraniana, Ahmadinejad surpreendeu os outros membros do Conselho ao assumir "uma posição surpreendentemente liberal", afirmando que "as pessoas sentem-se sufocadas" e defendendo que a solução para reduzir a tensão podia passar por conceder mais liberdades, "incluindo mais liberdade de imprensa".

A mesma fonte indicou que as palavras de Ahmadinejad enfureceram Jafari, que disse ao presidente que estava errado e que era "o causador desta confusão", para em seguida lhe dar uma bofetada.

A situação causou agitação na sala e a reunião foi interrompida, sem que nunca chegasse a ser retomada. Ainda segundo a fonte do diplomata norte-americano, a interrupção da reunião foi referida em alguns blogues iranianos, mas não a bofetada que esteve na sua origem.

Cables sobre a bofetada dada pelo Chefe da Guarda Revolucionaria a Ahmadineyad
O telegrama relata o conteúdo da reunião do Conselho Supremo de Segurança Nacional

ID: 248320
Date: 2010-02-11 10:23:00
Origin: 10BAKU98
Source: Embassy Baku
Classification: SECRET
Dunno: 09BAKU909 09BAKU920 09BAKU921 09BAKU972
Destination: VZCZCXYZ0001

DE RUEHKB #0098 0421023
P 111023Z FEB 10

S E C R E T BAKU 000098


E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/11/2020

REF: A. A) 2009 BAKU 972
B. B) 2009 BAKU 921
C. C) 2009 BAKU 920 (NOTAL)
D. D) 2009 BAKU 909

Classified By: XXXXXXXXXXXX, for Reasons 1.4 (b and

1. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX (protect) who has
demonstrated a wide range of Iranian political and
governmental contacts (including relatives). The contact has
been known to Iran watcher for over a year, and has
reportedly accurately on several sensitivepolitical and
economic issues in the past. His etwork includes
individuals in positions to possss knowledge of aspects of
Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) deliberations
(strictly protect - see reftels).

He who Got Slapped

2. (S) According to source, President Ahmedinejad surprised
other SNSC members by taking a surprisingly liberal posture
during a mid January post-Ashura meeting of the SNSC called
to discuss next steps on dealing with opposition protests.
Source said that Ahmedinejad claimed that "people feel
suffocated," and mused that to defuse the situation it may be
necessary to allow more personal and social freedoms,
including more freedom of the press.

3. (S) According to source, Ahmedinejad's statements
infuriated Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Mohammed Ali
Jafari, who exclaimed "You are wrong! (In fact) it is YOU
who created this mess! And now you say give more freedom to
the press?!" Source said that Jafarli then slapped
Ahmedinejad in the face, causing an uproar and an immediate
call for a break in the meeting, which was never resumed.
Source said that SNSC did not meet again for another two
weeks, after Ayatollah Janati succesfully acted as a
"peacemaker" between Jafarli and Ahmedinejad. Source added
that the break in the SNSC meeting, but not the slap that
caused it, has made its way on to some Iranian blogs.

Sides Preparing for New Confrontations

4. (S) Meanwhile, source said, both sides are digging in for
new confrontations, while various sub-groups maneuver. He
stressed the importance of recent speeches by Karroubi and
Khatami to the effect that Ahmedinejad will not be able
finish his term, and that Supreme Leaders should not take
partisan political sides. He stressed that "Karroubi chooses
each word carefully," and aid the recent speeches reflect an
ongoing effort to split Khameini from the Ahmedinejad group.
Source described the overall political situation within and
without the political elite as "getting worse and worse." XXXXXXXXXXXX
opined that this situation (of protests and instability)
cannot be sustained indefinitely, and predicted that events
are trending towards major developments and a new phases.
Asked what Iran will likely look like over the next year, he
responded "ask me after 22 Bahman (February 11)."

Tudeh Acticsts Re-Emerging?

5. (S) Source (XXXXXXXXXXXX)
also asserted that the Iranian Tudeh (communist) party is
reorganizing among factory and government workers, and
intellectuals. He claimed that many former Tudeh
sympathizers hold positions in the bureaucracy and elsewhere,
and opined that many still privately support the movement.
He mentioned one "XXXXXXXXXXXX organizer who
has re-emerged behind the scenes of recent bus worker and
other labor strikes.

Marketing Negativo Ensitel Atacou Liberdade de Expressão e Ficou Debaixo de Fogo Viral nas redes sociais

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A cadeia de electrónica Ensitel atacou a liberdade de expressão e ficou debaixo de fogo Viral nas redes sociais, na internet e enfrenta uma das piores crises de reputação de que há memória em Portugal (o efeito do marketing negativo), depois de alegadamente se ter recusado a trocar um telemóvel avariado que ainda estava dentro da garantia.

Aqui já não está em questão o dinheiro, o telémovel ou a indemnização mas algo chamado DIREITOS DO CIDADÃO!
A ENSITEL tentou travar a liberdade de expressão...
E este movimento que se gerou, a apoiar esta consumidora blogueira não tem preço!!!!!

o pesadelo de cair na boca do mundo virtual pelas piores razões. Ou seja, viver a dimensão de uma crise nas redes sociais. Esta iniciada no Twitter, provavelmente a plataforma que, mais que qualquer outra, pode danificar uma reputação em poucos minutos.

Maria João Nogueira, blogger e responsável pelos serviços de comunidade Sapo, resolveu relançar no seu blog, e em simultâneo no twitter, uma contenda com a Ensitel que se arrasta desde Fevereiro de 2009. As reacções no Twitter foram de pronta e intensa solidariedade e rapidamente a Ensitel se tornou, durante a noite de ontem, a hashtag mais usada pelos portugueses no twitter.

Sendo a comunidade twitter portuguesa relativamente pequena, tem a virtualidade de congregar jornalistas, opinion leaders, bloggers influentes e deputados, para além de um conjunto de cidadãos com fortes ligações ao mundo das tecnologias e dos telemóveis - a área de negócio da Ensitel. O efeito negativo alastrou-se depois ao Facebook e a reputação da marca, numa rajada, foi seriamente abalada. Veremos a amplificação do seu impacto para fora dos "social media", vamos ver se chega à comunicação social, vamos ver como a marca reage. Uma coisa é certa: será o case-study do ano sobre crise nas redes sociais em Portugal.

O caso recua a 2009 mas explodiu ontem nas redes sociais porque a consumidora em causa, Maria João Nogueira, recebeu uma citação do tribunal intimando-a a constituir advogado. Motivo: escreveu vários posts a contar a experiência com o telemóvel e foi contactada pelos advogados da Ensitel para que apagasse esses textos, pedido ao qual não acedeu. Agora diz que a Ensitel quer ir para tribunal e forçá-la a retirar os sete textos que explicam em pormenor a saga do Nokia E71.

O problema é que estamos na era das redes sociais e Maria João Nogueira é nada menos do que a coordenadora da equipa de blogues do Sapo, e uma das bloguistas mais conhecidas da internet nacional. Ou seja, a história tornou-se viral em poucas horas. A contenda do jonasnuts (nome do blogue de Maria João Nogueira) era o tópico mais partilhado na comunidade portuguesa no Twitter e a página da Ensitel no Facebook foi entupida de insultos. Vários sites reportaram a história e os links que apontam para o blogue de Maria João Nogueira multiplicaram-se.

Entretanto, algumas centenas de utilizadores do Facebook começaram a queixar-se de que tanto os links para o jonasnuts como os seus comentários na página da Ensitel estavam a ser apagados. A blogosfera imediatamente gritou "censura", a palavra espalhou-se rapidamente e os insultos passaram a ser às dezenas por minuto. A empresa, que sofreu um autêntico festival de enxovalho na internet, acabou por emitir um comunicado a meio da tarde de ontem.

"A Ensitel não põe minimamente em causa qualquer tipo ou forma de liberdade de expressão, mas repudia, rejeita e não aceita ser alvo de uma autêntica campanha difamatória, assente em factos absolutamente falsos que têm como único intuito denegrir a imagem e boa reputação [...] apenas porque o cliente não se conformou com uma decisão judicial que lhe foi desfavorável", escreve.

A decisão a que se refere em comunicado é a do centro de arbitragem de conflitos de consumo de Lisboa, onde o caso chegou, e que foi no sentido de que a cliente deveria entregar o aparelho à Ensitel para que fosse arranjado - o que Maria João Nogueira recusou.

"A Ensitel está a precisar de contratar uma empresa de relações públicas, mais do que uma sociedade de advogados", escreveu a bloguista na segunda-feira, depois de referir o documento de 31 páginas que recebeu do tribunal. "Portanto, a Ensitel não gosta que os clientes expressem livremente a sua opinião. A liberdade de expressão é muito linda e coiso e tal, mas só quando não chateia", escreve.

O relato Toda a história pode ser lida nos sete posts publicados desde 27 de Fevereiro de 2009, em A consumidora recebeu um Nokia E71 que, no segundo dia de uso, apresentava falhas na luz do ecrã. Foi à loja para trocá-lo mas informaram-na de que não havia mais em stock, pelo que devia ir à Nokia para que lho reparassem. A marca respondeu que era responsabilidade da Ensitel trocar o aparelho - e afinal apareceu outro em stock, mas numa segunda loja encontraram "um risco no ecrã" que, segundo a consumidora, era inexistente.

Várias reclamações e quase dois anos depois, a Ensitel quer levar a consumidora a tribunal por causa dos posts no blogue e milhares de portugueses juram que nunca mais entram numa loja da marca.

Para além do diferendo típico fornecedor-consumidor (com a Ensitel procurando evitar a troca de equipamento) e independentemente do lado da razão (a minha opinião aqui é irrelevante), a Ensitel cometeu dois erros fatais:

- Ignorou o perfil do cliente descontente em concreto: uma blogger com influência e uma consumidora exigente e persistente

- Decidiu retaliar com o pior dos argumentos: exigiu que a cliente apagasse os posts que tinha escrito sobre o assunto, gerando uma onda geral de indignação numa comunidade unida, exactamente, pelos posts, isto é, por um sentimento muito próprio e pessoal de liberdade de expressão.

Das várias reacções, alguém escreveu "O que a Ensitel precisa é de uma empresa de relações públicas". Concordo, à partida, que parece ter havido em todo este processo um mau aconselhamento à marca. Provavelmente, este tipo de processos ainda passa exclusivamente, nalgumas organizações, pelos departamentos/conselheiros jurídicos. A partir do momento em que se entra na esfera do contencioso, o serviço a clientes, o marketing, a comunicação e as relações públicas saem de cena.

Tal não é mais, obviamente, possível. As marcas estão, para o bem e para o mal, na esfera pública, numa comunidade global que tão rapidamente se pode agregar em torno de factos positivos como negativos. Com a entrada da reclamação na página do Facebook, o diferendo MJ Nogueira-Ensitel voltou à esfera do serviço a clientes. De uma forma geral, regressou um caso em forma de batata escaldante às mãos das relações públicas. Que fica com o ónus de resolver um sério problema que nunca teria deixado acontecer.

quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

ACAPOR Defaced por Anonymous e-mail Database Leaked para o The Pirate Bay

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O website da ACAPOR (Associação do Comércio Audiovisual, Obras Culturais e de Entretenimento de Portugal) foi desfigurado (defaced) por Anonymous e o seu enorme banco de dados (Database) de e-mail (640MB de tamanho) vazou (leaked ) para o The Pirate Bay onde se encontra disponivel para download

Nas últimas semanas, a Associação do Comércio Audiovisual, Obras Culturais e de Entretenimento de Portugal (ACAPOR) apresentou uma queixa judicial contra o The Pirate Bay pedindo que o acesso ao site seja bloqueado para internautas Portugueses pelos ISP.

ACAPOR, que representa as empresas locais de aluguer de DVD, não devem estar seguindo as notícias ultimamente, principalmente quando se trata de utilização de mão pesada contra os métodos de partilha de arquivos. Como resultado, eles são a última vítima a sentir a ira dos Anonymous como parte da Operação Payback (Operation Payback).

[o site da ACAPOR foi derrubado por Anonymous , mais prejudicial foi a invasão banco de dados de e-mail da associação de 650MB de tamanho que também foi levado e colocado no The Pirate Bay para que todos possam baixar.

O website ACAPOR também foi desfigurado (defaced) e portador de uma mensagem por Anonymous antes de redirecionar os usuários para o The Pirate Bay. também foi desfigurado pelo grupo da mesma maneira, mas não há  relatados de e-mails vazados.

Operação Payback está em curso há várias semanas, contra aqueles que procuram prejudicar o Pirate Bay e restringir a liberdade na web.

Considerando a devastação que o ACAPOR sofreu: o vazamento de e-mail Leak causado, será interessante ver como isso se desenvolve. Ainda mais interessante será ler o conteúdo dos e-mails vazados no The Pirate Bay

Fonte: Unite the Cows

terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Negócio dos Submarinos Ana Gomes Violado Correio electrónico Eurodeputada do Parlamento Europeu

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Submarinos: eurodeputada Ana Gomes denuncia ataques ao seu ‘email'

A eurodeputada afirmou ontem que a sua conta de correio electrónico do Parlamento Europeu tem sido violada.

Ana Gomes disse ainda que desapareceram vários documentos ligados ao processo dos submarinos e adiantou que vai apresentar uma queixa na Procuradoria-Geral da República.

Falando aos jornalistas numa conferência de imprensa onde anunciou a apresentação de uma queixa à Comissão Europeia por incumprimento da lei comunitária no negócio dos dois submarinos comprados por Portugal à Alemanha, a eurodeputada do PS disse que esta iniciativa "é apresentada em nome individual".

"Eu assumo a responsabilidade por ela e não quero partilhá-la com mais ninguém, até porque sei que é uma responsabilidade que comporta riscos", afirmou, mencionando que "nos últimos dias" o seu 'email' do Parlamento Europeu "tem sido violado e toda a correspondência com assistentes", no âmbito da queixa que apresentou, "desapareceu".

A eurodeputada socialista adiantou já ter alertado os serviços informáticos do Parlamento Europeu e que irá apresentar uma queixa na Procuradoria-Geral da República.

Ana Gomes referiu que a última intrusão na sua conta de 'email' teve lugar "nesta última noite" e que vários "textos em inglês que tinha preparado [relacionados com os submarinos] desapareceram".

WIKILEAKS Ana Gomes Critica Investigação Caso voos da CIA

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A europdeputada lembra que as coisas (Caso voos da CIA) estão a vir a lume por outra via que ninguém contava, numa referência aos telegramas do Wikileaks.

A eurodeputada socialista Ana Gomes considerou que o dosssier das investigações sobre a utilização de Portugal para voos da CIA, com presos de Guantánamo, "nunca deveria ter sido fechado pela Procuradoria Geral da República".

"As investigações, o que se sabia [do caso] exigia mais apuramento de responsabilidades e o Procurador-Geral da República, Pinto Monteiro, não devia ter arquivado a investigação ao transporte de presos de Guantánamo. Agora as coisas estão a vir a lume por outra via, que ninguém contava. Vamos aguardar", disse.

Questionada sobre as consequências políticas e diplomática para o Governo português na sequência da divulgação pelo Wikileaks de telegramas provenientes da diplomacia norte-americana, a eurodeputada socialista recusou-se para já a fazer comentários. Ana Gomes também não comentou a forma crítica como alguns responsáveis diplomáticos e políticos portugueses se referem a si na questão dos voos da CIA.

Ana Gomes Apresenta Queixa à Comissão Europeia por Fraudes no Negócio dos Submarinos

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Ana Gomes diz que negócio dos submarinos tem fraudes e apresenta queixa à Comissão Europeia

A eurodeputada do PS Ana Gomes defendeu ontem que o processo de compra dos submarinos à Alemanha foi "altamente lesivo" para o Estado português e está "eivado de fraudes", notando que existem documentos desaparecidos e cláusulas contratuais "absolutamente desastrosas".

Numa conferência de imprensa onde anunciou ter acabado de apresentar à Comissão Europeia uma queixa por violação das regras do mercado interno no caso dos dois submarinos comprados por Portugal ao "German Submarine Consortium", Ana Gomes advogou que tanto o contrato de aquisição como o de contrapartidas devem ser anulados.

"Eu sou a favor de contrapartidas, desde que elas favoreçam a economia nacional e sejam constituídas nos termos do Direito comunitário, e isso implica que não violem as leis do mercado interno", referiu.

A eurodeputada socialista considerou que os problemas nos negócios de equipamento militar se verificam "não apenas a nível nacional, mas europeu" e defendeu que a Comissão Europeia não pode "continuar a assobiar para o ar".

"As contrapartidas favoreceram um determinado grupo de empresas que nunca se submeteram a um concurso internacional",
designadamente na indústria automóvel e de novas tecnologias, referiu, assinalando que "a forma como foram selecionadas é completamente distorcedora das regras do mercado interno".
Ana Gomes salientou que há neste processo "aspetos absolutamente lesivos dos interesses do Estado", como o facto de se ter entregue a negociação do contrato "a uma empresa privada, a ESCOM, do grupo BES - que também é o grupo que depois financia a aquisição dos submarinos".

"Essa mesma ESCOM trabalha para o Estado na engenharia financeira do contrato de aquisição e por outro lado está ao mesmo tempo a trabalhar para a MAN Ferrostaal, uma das empresas do consórcio alemão, no arranjar do programa de contrapartidas e na identificação das empresas beneficiárias",

A eurodeputada do PS, que disse ter recebido do ministro da Defesa, Augusto Santos Silva, cópias dos contratos e do relatório da Comissão Permanente de Contrapartidas, alertou para o facto de "ninguém encontrar, nem nos arquivos do ministério, o contrato da engenharia financeira da aquisição dos submarinos".

"Altamente suspeitos são também os termos dos contratos, tanto de aquisição, como de contrapartidas, como o facto Estado ter prescindido do recurso aos tribunais em caso de litígio e de se prever apenas a via da arbitragem",

Ana Gomes lembrou ainda que só no período entre a assinatura do contrato e a entrada em vigor do mesmo, em setembro de 2004, o Estado pagou "mais 64 milhões de euros", devido a "uma fórmula matemática" incluída nos contratos que previa uma atualização diária do preço dos submarinos.

(Este texto foi escrito ao abrigo do novo Acordo Ortográfico )


segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Wikileaks Cablegate Embaixada dos EUA Denúncia Tráfico de Urânio Russo em Portugal

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Wikileaks: embaixada dos EUA em Lisboa recebeu denúncia de tráfico de urânio. Ex-general russo terá tentado vender urânio em Portugal

Mais um telegrama obtido pelo site Wikilekas e divulgado pelo The Guardian, divulga informações classificadas relacionadas com Portugal. Desta vez, é denunciado que um ex-general russo a viver em Portugal terá sido denunciado à embaixada norte-americana por alegada tentativa de venda de um bloco de urânio.

O jornal britânico The Guardian, adianta que a embaixada norte-americana (EUA) recebeu em 2008 uma denúncia de uma alegada venda de um bloco de urânio proveniente de Tchernobyl por um "ex-general russo" a viver em Portugal, noticiou hoje o jornal britânico Guardian.
A informação faz parte de um dos milhares de telegramas diplomáticos recebidos pelo «site» WikiLeaks e que o diário britânico tem estado a publicar.
De acordo com o correio, classificado "secreto" e datado de 25 de julho de 2008, a denúncia partiu de um informador de nacionalidade angolana, que terá batido na véspera à porta da missão diplomática, em Lisboa.
"O visitante declarou que tinha sido abordado há dois meses atrás por um sócio a tempo parcial chamado Orlando para ajudar a vender ‘placas de urânio’ de um ex-general russo a viver em Portugal", lê-se no documento.
O informador acrescentou que "Orlando estava a trabalhar através de um ‘velho’ juiz a viver perto do Porto", adianta o telegrama, assinado pelo embaixador Thomas Stephenson.
A única prova que apresentou foi uma fotocópia a cores de uma fotografia, do que "parecia ser um tijolo cinzento metálico colocado sobre a primeira página do jornal português Jornal de Notícias".
Na fotocópia estavam também escritas, à mão, as medidas de um retângulo (21 centímetros de altura do lado esquerdo, 25 centímetros de altura do lado direito, 48 centímetros de largura na parte de cima, 51 centímetros de largura na parte de baixo e ".31 centímetros" de largura). O peso total era de 25,35 quilogramas.
Uma nota do oficial de segurança da embaixada indica que "nesta altura, é difícil fazer uma avaliação da credibilidade da fonte".
O informador é descrito como alguém "bem vestido e bem apresentado e aparentemente calmo, confiante e alerta", que respondia rapidamente às perguntas, "especialmente sobre a motivação financeira".
O domínio da língua inglesa é considerado "bom" e não hesitou em dar dados pessoais sobre a morada, que não foi confirmada, e meios de contacto.
Todavia, "não foi capaz de providenciar identificação do ex-general russo".
O homem negou ainda estar sob a influência de medicamentos ou ter problemas de saúde mental e manifestou convicção de que "as placas eram de facto urânio", refere o telegrama a que o jornal teve acesso.

O The Guardian adianta que os Estados Unidos têm um sistema de alerta de fugas de material nuclear ou de tráfico de material radioactivo que possa ser usado para um atentado terrorista.

O Wikileaks revela, no entanto, mais casos: em Junho de 2007, no Burundi, um habitante local terá alertado para urânio guardado do outro lado da fronteira, na República Democrática do Congo. Outros casos de desaparecimento de material ocorreram em países da ex-União Soviética.


US embassy cables: Tip-off in Portugal claims former Russian general is trying to sell 'uranium plates'

Friday, 25 July 2008, 13:44
S E C R E T LISBON 001808
EO 12958 DECL: 07/24/2018
Classified By: Ambassador Thomas Stephenson, Reason 1.4 (c)(d)(f)

1. (S) Post wishes to alert the Department and Washington agencies per reftel that it received a report indicating a potential incident of illicit trafficking in nuclear and/or radiological materials. The report came to post's attention via a walk-in. Information concerning this report was relayed via classified e-mail to PMAT at 2:04 PM on July 24, 2008.
2. (S) Details of the incident follow:
A) Current location of material: Material appears to be in Portugal. B) Transport status of material: Stationary C) Assessment of the likelihood that the appropriate authorities can/will secure the material: If and when it is determined the material in fact exists, the Portuguese authorities will secure the material D) If in transit, means of transportation: NA E) Intended destination of material: Unknown, depends on buyer F) Routing of material: Unknown G) Supplier and/or Origination point of material: Walk-in claims the material is in the possession of an unidentified ex-Russian General now living in Portugal. The material was allegedly stolen from Chernobyl. H) Type of material: U235 I) Date and time of incident: Reported July 24,2008, by walk-in J) Source of report: XXXXXXXXXXXX K) If an alarm, technical information: NA L) What if anything was being smuggled with the material: Unknown M) Specific place where alarm or incident occurred: The specific location of the alleged material is unknown N) Additional details: The walk-in stated he was approached two months ago by a part-time business associate named Orlando to help sell "Uranium plates" owned by an unidentified ex-Russian General living in Portugal. According to the walk-in, Orlando was working through an "old" Portuguese Judge living near Porto. As proof, the walk-in provided a color photocopy of a photograph, provided by Orlando, with what appeared to be a matte gray metallic brick placed before the front page of Portuguese newspaper Jornal de Noticias. The photocopy also contained the following handwritten notes: Sketch of a rectangle with the following dimensions: height 21 cm (left side), height 25 cm (right side), length 48 cm (top), length 51 cm (bottom). Thickness .31 cm. Total Peso (weight)=25.350kg; U2354 Kg; MTK 99.9951. (RSO NOTE: At this time, it is difficult to make an assessment of the credibility of the source. The walk-in was neatly dressed and well groomed and appeared calm, confident, and alert and responded quickly to questions, especially about his motivation (financial). His English was good. He did not hesitate in providing personal information regarding his home address (not verified) and points of contact. The walk-in was, however, unable to provide any identifiers on the ex-Russian General. The walk-in stated he is not on any medications and has not consulted any mental health specialists. The walk-in does not appear to be mentally unstable and actually appears to be believe the plates are in fact Uranium. END RSO NOTE)

quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Portugal EUA WikiLeaks Cable Sócrates Autorizou Voos CIA de Repatriamento de presos de Guantánamo caso por caso

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Cable onde se disse que Sócrates autorizou os voos de repatriação de prisioneiros de Guantánamo
O primeiro ministro português deu luz verde à "repatriação de combatentes inimigos" desde a prisão de Guantánamo através da base aérea das Lajes, caso por caso. A decisão nunca se tornou pública

ID: 121418
Date: 2007-09-07 16:09:00
Origin: 07LISBON2307
Source: Embassy Lisbon
Classification: SECRET
Destination: VZCZCXYZ0000

DE RUEHLI #2307/01 2501609
P 071609Z SEP 07

S E C R E T LISBON 002307




E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/07/2017

Classified By: Ambassador Alfred Hoffman for
reasons 1.4 (B) and (D).

1. (SBU) Mr. President:

Your meeting with Prime Minister Socrates -- two months into
Portugal's EU presidency -- provides an excellent early
opportunity to try to shape the Portuguese government's
priorities in a direction consistent with U.S. interests,
both from a bilateral perspective and in the EU context.

Portugal - A Steadfast Ally

2. (C) Portugal, a founding member of NATO, is a steadfast
ally that has consistently stood by our side over the years
under both center-right and center-left governments. The
President and Prime Minister -- from opposing political
parties -- each regularly stress that trans-Atlantic
relations are a pillar of Portuguese foreign policy and that
NATO is the primary guarantor of European security. At our
request, Portugal ultimately withdrew its leading candidacy
to host the 2008 NATO Summit in favor of Romania. In return,
the USG agreed to support Portugal's bid to host the 2010
NATO Summit.

3. (SBU) Portugal has provided virtually free access to
Portuguese air and seaports for military support operations
in Iraq and Afghanistan, with over three thousand flights a
year transiting Lajes Air Base in the Azores. It has also
granted permission to use Lajes in support of repatriation of
detainees from Guatanamo. Despite severe budgetary
constraints, it is currently engaged internationally on
numerous fronts with military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan
(where it has lost one soldier), East Timor, Kosovo, and
Lebanon, and, until recently, in Bosnia and the Congo.
Portugal has been an outstanding partner in the war on terror
and collaborates actively with us as a member of the
Proliferation Security Initiative, the Container Security
Initiative, and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear

EU presidency priorities

4. (C) While agreement on the shape of a new EU treaty was
achieved during the German presidency, detailed negotiation
and signature of the document have fallen to the Portuguese
presidency, which hopes to secure endorsement of a final text
by the heads of government meeting in December. This
internal EU task has not derailed Portugal's external policy
goals, but it has absorbed scarce resources and high-level
attention within the Portuguese government.

5. (U) Socrates and other senior Portuguese officials have
noted that the EU's biggest foreign policy concern is along
its southern and southeastern borders, which are threatened
by radical Islam and poverty. He has proposed strengthening
the EU's ties to Washington, Moscow, and Mediterranean
countries to help contain radical Islam in that region; this
strategy includes lending strong support to Turkish accession
to the EU, involving the EU more closely in the Middle East
Peace Process, and strengthening the EU's economic and
cultural ties to the region through the Barcelona Process.

6. (C) So far during their Presidency, the Portuguese have
taken a primarily facilitative approach, seeking broad
consensus on most issues. They have dedicated their
individual efforts to the few issues they care most about: a
strategic partnership with Africa and the Middle East
processes noted above. Beyond those issues, the Portuguese
governmental structure has engaged in efforts to strengthen
EU ties with Brazil, India, China, Russia, and Ukraine
through high-profile summits.

7. (C) The EU-Brazil summit in Lisbon the first week of
Portugal's presidency was successful in establishing a
long-term relationship with a significant partner and
energizing the debate in Europe on biofuels. Portuguese
interlocutors candidly told us that they did not expect much
and that the summit was only the first step toward an
EU-Brazil strategic partnership, but that they were delighted
with the outcome. We believe this may raise Portuguese
ambitions for the other summits.

Suggested areas of focus

8. (C) Kosovo: The Portuguese believe the current Troika-led

negotiations are a necessary last effort but are not
optimistic about the outcome. They believe Kosovar
independence is inevitable, but worry about both the Kosovars
moving too quickly and the perceived need to have Russian
agreement on any solution. The Portuguese are working to
find a legal mechanism that permits individual member states
to recognize an independent Kosovo absent a UNSCR, and that
provides the basis for deployment of an EU rule of law
mission. They need to hear from you that leaving Kosovo in
limbo is not an option, that giving Russia veto power over
foreign policy challenges in the heart of Europe sets a
troubling precedent, and that the world needs resolution on
this troubling issue this year.

9. (C) Russia: Prime Minister Socrates visited Moscow
recently and was criticized in many quarters for his failure
to address Russia's aggressive behavior against EU allies
Poland and Estonia, human rights issues, or Moscow's penchant
for rhetoric and gamesmanship on energy and security.
Portugal currently does not depend on Russia for any energy
needs, although that dynamic may be changing, given recent
collaborative efforts between the national oil company and
Gazprom, and Gazprom's collaboration with Algeria's
Sonatrach, which provides a majority of Portugal's natural
gas needs. Socrates's advisors suggested to us following the
trip that we needed to tone down our own rhetoric in order to
elicit more constructive engagement from Moscow. One senior
advisor even suggested that our plan to place the missile
defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic -- the two
more problematic EU member states -- had not helped matters
when we wanted the EU to come to our defense.

10. (C) Middle East: The Portuguese believe they have little
historical baggage in the region and thus can advance
progress on key issues. They have stressed many times and at
the highest levels that the Road Map is the way forward, but
that it needs to be reinvigorated. Foreign Minister Amado
has traveled extensively to the Middle East and was one of
the first to call for a special session of EU Foreign
Ministers at the onset of last summer's hostilities in
Lebanon. In addition, Portugal has contributed an Army
engineering company to UNIFIL. Portugal shares our deep
concerns about Iran's nuclear weapons program and has been
very supportive of efforts to increase pressure on Tehran.

11. (C) Afghanistan: Portuguese Special Forces and other
troops serve without caveat and are engaged in heavy fighting
in the volatile south. In addition, in response to an appeal
from the United States, Portugal recently agreed to assume
leadership of one Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team
(OMLT). The Portuguese stress that they are with us in
Afghanistan for the duration of NATO operations so
congratulations for their current contributions are in order
as well as encouragement to continue. Portugal has
contributed $2 million in assistance; however, they are
financially over-stretched and have not given more because of
budgetary constraints.

12. (C) Iraq: Portugal had an infantry company in Iraq for
two years and also contributed trainers for the police
training mission. Portugal recently downsized its diplomatic
presence in Baghdad because of cost (its operations were four
times as expensive as any other embassy), but let us know far
in advance and wanted to coordinate what they said publicly
as they were sensitive to the political ramifications.

13. (C) Africa: Portugal has a special relationship with
Africa, particularly with its former colonies. It intends to
host an EU-Africa Summit, although it has tried to deflect
diplomatic conflict over the potential attendance of
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe who is subject to an EU
travel ban. The UK, the Netherlands, and others may not
attend at the head of government level should Mugabe
participate. Although the Portuguese have led the
development of an action plan between the EU and African
Union, the negative ramifications of Mugabe's presence in
Lisbon could overshadow any accomplishments.

14. (SBU) Major Economies Meeting: Socrates was pleased that
Portugal, in its capacity as EU President, was invited to
represent the European Union at the September 27-28 Major
Economies Meeting on Climate Change and Energy Security in
Washington. He is strong proponent of environmental issues,
having served as Environment Minister from 1999-2002. The
current Environment State Secretary Humberto Rosa is
scheduled to lead the delegation.

Particular Bilateral Points

15. (SBU) The Portuguese government has, at the highest
levels, stressed its interest in collaborating with the
United States to strengthen security and stability in Africa,
an effort which has begun in earnest. We are conducting
joint demining training in Guinea-Bissau and are looking at
developing an HIV prevention program for African armed
forces. We are also exploring opportunities to work together
in the Special Operations arena in Africa. We hope to include
the Portuguese in peacekeeping training in Mozambique and
Angola under the African Contingency Operations training and
Assistance (ACOTA) program and a joint State-Defense team
from Washington recently visited Lisbon to discuss further
opportunities. In addition, our Department of Commerce has
been working with Portuguese counterparts on a program to
computerize Angola's judicial records.

16. (S/NF) Socrates agreed to allow the repatriation of
enemy combatants out of Guatanamo through Lajes Air Base on a
case-by-case basis. This was a difficult decision, given the
sustained criticism by Portuguese media and leftist elements
of his own party over the government's handling of the CIA
rendition flights controversy. Socrates's agreement has
never been made public. The Attorney General's Office was
forced to review a dossier of news clippings and
unsubstantiated allegations regarding CIA rendition
operations through Portugal provided by a member of the
European Parliament. The AG's report should be released in
the near future. Although we cannot predict its conclusions,
government insiders and legal scholars have told us there was
no useful or prosecutable information in the dossier.

Prime Minister Socrates

17. (C) Socrates is a telegenic and charismatic leader, who
worked hard to improve his English in advance of the EU
presidency. He relies on advice from a small circle of
advisors. He is a very moderate Socialist who has been
successful at co-opting or marginalizing the leftists in his
party, from whom he has taken some heat for his pro-U.S.
policies. He also aggressively pursued his domestic agenda
before assuming the EU presidency, achieving difficult labor
and social security reforms and reducing Portugal's budget
deficit to near EU-mandated levels.


Portugal EUA WikiLeaks Cable Amado disse: "Foi uma decisão difícil por causa das críticas dos meios de comunicação social e da Esquerda"

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Cable em que Amado disse: "Foi uma decisão difícil por causa das críticas dos meios de comunicação social e dos esquerdistas"

O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Luís Amado, reconhece que a autorização do seu Governo ao sobrevoo de aviões com prisioneiros de Guantánamo repatriados foi uma decisão difícil, devido "às críticas insistentes dos media portugueses e elementos esquerdistas do partido do Governo".

ID: 115089
Date: 2007-07-11 18:30:00
Origin: 07LISBON1812
Source: Embassy Lisbon
Classification: SECRET
Destination: VZCZCXRO9656
DE RUEHLI #1812/01 1921830
P 111830Z JUL 07

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 LISBON 001812




E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/10/2017

Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Adrienne O'Neal for reasons 1.4 (B) an
d (D).

1. (SBU) Madam Secretary:

Your visit -- at the beginning of Portugal's EU presidency --
is particularly timely and provides an excellent opportunity
to try to shape from the outset the Portuguese government's
priorities in a direction consistent with U.S. interests.

Portugal - Steadfast Ally

2. (SBU) Portugal, a founding member of NATO, is a steadfast
ally who has consistently stood by our side over the years
despite various changes in government. The President and
Prime Minister -- from opposing political parties -- each
regularly stress that trans-Atlantic relations are a pillar
of Portuguese foreign policy and that NATO is the primary
guarantor of European security.

3. (SBU) Portugal has provided virtually free access to
Portuguese air and seaports for military support operations
in Iraq and Afghanistan, with over three thousand flights a
year transiting Lajes Air Base in the Azores. Despite severe
budgetary constraints, it is engaged internationally on
numerous fronts with military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan
(where it lost one soldier), East Timor, Kosovo, Bosnia, and
Lebanon, and it is a member of the Proliferation Security
Initiative, the Container Security Initiative, and the Global
Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism.

EU presidency priorities

4. (C) While agreement on a treaty for EU reform vice a
Constitution was achieved during the German presidency,
detailed negotiation and signature of the treaty will fall to
the Portuguese presidency. This internal EU task will not
derail Portugal,s external policy goals, but it will absorb
scarce resources and high-level attention within the
Portuguese government, ensuring that we will need to motivate
Portugal on key issues.

5. (U) Foreign Minister Amado has noted that the EU,s
biggest foreign policy concern is along its southern and
southeastern borders, which are threatened by radical Islam
and poverty. He has proposed strengthening the EU,s ties to
Washington, Moscow, and Mediterranean countries to help
contain radical Islam in that region; this strategy includes
supporting Turkish accession to the EU, involving the EU more
closely in the Middle East Peace Process, and strengthening
the EU,s economic and cultural ties to the region through
the Barcelona Process.

6. (C) The Portuguese are expected to take a facilitative
approach, in stark contrast with the aggressive leadership of
Germany,s presidency. They will seek broad consensus on
most issues, dedicating their individual efforts to the few
issues they care about: a strategic partnership with Africa
and the Middle East processes noted above. Beyond those
issues, the Portuguese governmental structure is occupied
with a series of summits with Brazil, India, China, Russia,
Ukraine, and Africa.

7. (C) The just completed EU-Brazil Summit was successful in
establishing a long-term relationship with a significant
partner and energizing the debate in Europe on biofuels.
Portuguese interlocutors candidly told us that they did not
expect much and that the summit was only the first step
toward an EU-Brazil strategic partnership, but that they were
delighted with the outcome. We believe this may raise
Portuguese ambitions for the other summits.

Suggested areas of focus

8. (C) Kosovo: The Portuguese support the Ahtisaari proposal
but have no alternative to having the Russians on board.
They have seized on the idea of delaying the introduction of
a UN Resolution while further talks continue and have no
plans on how to react if the Kosovars declare independence
unilaterally. A/S Fried,s July 9 appeal to the Kosovars not
to do so pleased the Portuguese, but they need to understand
that leaving Kosovo in limbo is not an option and that the
Kosovars' patience -- even with US pressure -- is finite.

9. (C) Russia: Prime Minister Socrates visited Moscow
recently and was criticized in many quarters for his failure
to address aggressive behavior against allies Poland and
Estonia, human rights issues, or Moscow,s penchant for

LISBON 00001812 002 OF 003

rhetoric and gamesmanship on energy and security. Indeed,
Socrates, advisors suggested to us following the trip that
we needed to tone down our own rhetoric in order to make
various negotiations more fruitful.

10. (C) Middle East: The Portuguese believe they have little
historical baggage in the region and thus can advance
progress on key issues. They have stressed many times and at
the highest levels that the Road Map is the way forward, but
that it needs to be reinvigorated. Foreign Minister Amado
backed away from the recent Mediterranean FMs, letter to
Quartet Representative Tony Blair -- which he signed --
stating that &the Road Map has failed,8 and a senior
advisor was dismissive of the letter,s text, saying neither
the EU nor the Portuguese position has changed. Amado has
traveled extensively to the Middle East and was one of the
first to call for a special session of EU Foreign Ministers
at the onset of last summer,s hostilities in Lebanon.
Portugal was prepared to commit forces to any potential
peacekeeping force, even before the structure and sponsorship
of such a force had been established. Portugal eventually
sent a company of Army engineers to help with reconstruction.
Amado told us that he sees Iran as the greatest threat since
WWII, and his ministry has been supportive of tough measures
in light of Iran's refusal to halt nuclear enrichment.

11. (C) Afghanistan: Portuguese Special Forces and other
troops serve without caveat and are engaged in heavy
fighting. The current company is scheduled to depart in
February 2008 and replacements have not yet been designated
or funded. The Portuguese stress that they are with us in
Afghanistan for the duration of NATO operations, so
congratulations for their current contributions are in order
as well as encouragement to continue. Portugal has
contributed $2 million in assistance; however, they are
financially over-stretched and have not done more because of

12. (C) Iraq: Portugal contributed gendarme trainers for the
NTM-I police training mission. Portugal recently downsized
its diplomatic presence in Baghdad because of cost (its
operations were four times as expensive as any other
embassy), but let us know far in advance and wanted to
coordinate what they said publicly as they were sensitive to
the political ramifications.

13. (C) Africa: Portugal has a special relationship with
Africa, particularly with its former colonies. It intends to
host an EU-Africa Summit, although it has deferred diplomatic
conflict over the Zimbabwe question, even though the UK, the
Netherlands, and others may not attend at the head of
government level should Mugabe attend. Although the
Portuguese have led the development of an action plan between
the EU and African Union, the negative ramifications of
Mugabe's presence in Lisbon could overshadow any

Particular Bilateral Points

14. (SBU) Portugal,s interest in Africa for the EU
presidency is a good opportunity to underscore the progress
in US-Portugal cooperation to strengthen security and
stability in Africa. When Foreign Minister Amado was still
Defense Minister, he strongly encouraged trilateral
cooperation between the US, Portugal, and individual African
countries on security issues in Africa. Since that time, we
have conducted joint demining training in Guinea-Bissau and
begun developing an HIV prevention program among African
armed forces. We hope to include the Portuguese in
peacekeeping training in Mozambique and Angola under the
African Contingency Operations training and Assistance
(ACOTA) program and a joint State-Defense team from
Washington hopes to visit Lisbon this fall to discuss further

15. (S/NF) Amado agreed to allow the repatriation of
prisoners through Lajes Air Base on a case-by-case basis
under limited circumstances. This was a difficult decision,
given the sustained criticism by Portuguese media and leftist
elements of his own party of the government,s handling of
the CIA rendition flights controversy. Amado,s agreement
has never been made public. The Attorney General,s Office
was forced to review a dossier of news clippings and
unsubstantiated allegations regarding CIA rendition
operations through Portugal provided by a member of the
European Parliament. The AG,s report should be released in
the very near future. Although we cannot predict its
conclusions, government insiders and legal scholars have told
us there was no useful or prosecutable information in the

LISBON 00001812 003 OF 003

Prime Minister Socrates

16. (C) Socrates is a telegenic and charismatic leader, who
worked hard to improve his English in advance of the EU
presidency. He relies on advice from a small circle of
advisors. He is a very moderate Socialist who has been
successful at co-opting or marginalizing the leftists in his
party. He also aggressively pursued his domestic agenda
before assuming the EU presidency, achieving difficult labor
and social security reforms and reducing Portugal,s budget
deficit to near EU-mandated levels.

Foreign Minister Amado

17. (C) You met with Amado last October in Washington and
have spoken with him in person and on the telephone several
times since. He has been a great friend of the US, both in
his previous capacity as Minister of Defense and now as
Foreign Minister. He is even-tempered, thoughtful, and
low-key, and regularly seeks opportunities to coordinate
policy with the US. He places great importance on presenting
a united public front, whether within the EU, NATO or with
the US. If there are differences, he prefers to discuss them
discreetly behind closed doors.

President Cavaco Silva

18. (C) Cavaco Silva is the most popular politician in
Portugal, even though his center-right party badly trails
Socrates, Socialist Party in polls. Although the Portuguese
presidency does not wield the executive power of the US
presidency, the position is not ceremonial. Cavaco Silva is
commander in chief of the armed forces and must approve all
military deployments and chairs the Council of State, which
handles all constitutional issues. Cavaco Silva considers
former President George H.W. Bush a personal friend, with
whom he developed a close relationship during his years as
Prime Minister from 1985-95. The elder President Bush
attended Cavaco Silva,s presidential inauguration in March
2006. Cavaco Silva was displeased that he did not get an
Oval Office meeting with President George W. Bush during his
recent visit to Washington to open a Smithsonian exhibition
of Portuguese art, and he declined the former President
Bush,s offer to visit Kennebunkport.


Portugal EUA WikiLeaks Cable Embaixador Hoffman a Condoleezza Rice: "Portugal é um firme aliado"

Buzz This
Cable do embaixador Hoffman a Condoleezza Rice: "Portugal é um firme aliado"
Alfred Hoffman, embaixador dos EUA em Lisboa, escreve a secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, faz um grande elogio de Portugal e recorda que o Governo luso abriu o espaço aéreo e marítimo para operações militares de apoio estadounidense no Iraque y Afeganistão

ID: 82694
Date: 2006-10-20 17:13:00
Origin: 06LISBON2366
Source: Embassy Lisbon
Classification: SECRET
Destination: VZCZCXYZ0013

DE RUEHLI #2366/01 2931713
O 201713Z OCT 06

S E C R E T LISBON 002366




E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/19/2026


Classified By: Acting Pol/Econ Counselor Cari Enav for reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d)

1. (S/NF) Foreign Minister Luis Amado's visit with you is
part of Portugal's effort to raise its profile in the
international arena, particularly in the run-up to its EU
Presidency which it will assume in the latter half of 2007.
Although Prime Minister Socrates focused primarily on
domestic issues during his first year in office, the
government has made international engagement a priority since
Amado assumed his current position as Foreign Minister in
July 2006. Minister Amado will want to discuss Portugal's
agenda for its EU Presidency (emphasis on the Middle East and
Africa), the US-EU Transatlantic Relationship and the role
Portugal plays in it. He will expect you to raise our
request to use Lajes AirBase in the Azores to repatriate
Guantanamo detainees.

The Minister
2. (C) The superb personal relationship I enjoyed with Amado
when he was Defense Minister continues in his current
capacity as Foreign Minister. I have found him to be
even-tempered (unlike his unpredictable predecessor Diogo
Freitas do Amaral), thoughtful and low-key. He is pro-US,
committed to a strong NATO and Transatlantic relationship and
seeks to coordinate policy with the US. He places great
importance on presenting a united public front, whether it be
within the EU, NATO or with the US. If there are
differences, he prefers to discuss them discreetly behind
closed doors. Minister Amado last visited the U.S. in his
official capacity of Minister of Defense in November 2005
when he had a personal meeting with Defense Secretary
Rumsfield. He is still smarting from being stood up by the
NSC - Crouch during last year's visit. It would be to our
benefit to stroke him a lot.

Portugal - Steadfast Ally
3. (SBU) Portugal, a founding member of NATO, is a steadfast
ally who has consistently stood by our side over the years
despite various changes in government. Portugal was an early
supporter of US operations in Iraq, hosting the Azores Summit
just before the war. It has provided virtually free access
to Portuguese air and seaports for flights supporting
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, with over three
thousand flight a year transiting Lajes Air Base in the
Azores. Despite severe budgetary constraints, it is engaged
internationally on numerous fronts with military personnel in
Iraq, Afghanistan (where it lost one soldier), East Timor,
the Congo, Kosovo, Bosnia and soon Lebanon, and it is member
of both the Proliferation Security Initiative and the
Security Container Initiative.

New Approach to International Engagement
4. (SBU) Minister Amado and other government officials have
underscored to me Portugal's desire to influence - not just
follow - international policy. He has stated publicly on
several occasions the need for Portugal to be engaged
globally, not just for the sake of its alliances, but for the
country's own safety and security. He first relayed this
message late last year when he traveled to Afghanistan as
Minister of Defense following the loss of a Portuguese
soldier there and has since reaffirmed Portugal,s commitment
to the war against terrorism on several occasions. He has
taken a pro-active role in the Middle East, particularly
during the most recent conflict in Lebanon where he was in
the forefront of EU leaders calling for a variety of
initiatives to deal with the crisis. He also hopes to host
engage more broadly on African issues.

The Transatlantic Relationship
5. (SBU) Amado is a strong advocate of the Transatlantic
relationship. He is looking to fortify engagement between
the US and NATO, the EU and Portugal and implement his own
brand of "transformational diplomacy" by working with the US
in hot spots around the world. He will want to discuss NATO,
peacekeeping efforts, and the transformation of the alliance
in preparation for the Riga Summit later this year. He will
likely reaffirm Portugal's commitment to the fight against
terrorism and express disappointment that the U.S. has
decided to support Bucharest to host the 2008 Summit instead
of Lisbon. On the other hand, he will welcome the recently
announced intent to upgrade the NATO Command at Lisbon into a
Full Command with responsibility in Africa.

EU Presidency
6. (C) Minister Amado has told me that Portugal's main
foreign policy objectives during its EU Presidency will focus
on the Middle East and Africa. Amado has already traveled
extensively to the Middle East where he believes Portugal's
relationship with the Maghreb states and its position as an
honest broker can help move the peace process forward. Amado
was one of the first to call for a special session of EU
Foreign Ministers at the onset of the summer hostilities in
Lebanon, and Portugal is sending a contingent of Army
engineers to there later this year to help with
reconstruction. Although I have underscored the US position
on engagement with Syria on numerous occasions, Amado
believes dialogue with Damascus is necessary to resolve the
regional conflicts and to isolate Iran. Amado further told
me that he sees Iran as the greatest threat since WWII, and
his diplomatic advisor confirmed that Amado is pressing for
sanctions in light of the failed efforts to halt nuclear

7. (SBU) Portugal has a special relationship with Africa,
particularly with its former colonies. It would like to host
an EU-Africa Summit and is looking at creative solutions to
work around the Zimbabwe question. Amado,s diplomatic
advisor commented that perhaps locating the summit in Africa
rather than in Europe might resolve the thorny issue.
Strategic policy issues would include Darfur, energy issues,
the fight against poverty and illegal immigration.

8. (SBU) This might be a good opportunity to underscore the
need to show progress in US-Portugal cooperation to bring
security and stability in Africa. At the Rumsfeld-Amado
meeting a year ago, the two sides agreed to focus on working
together on security issues in Africa. A variety of US
proposals have been explored such as joint training of
peacekeepers in Mozambique and Angola, joint training of
deminers in Guinea-Bissau, and cooperation in HIV Prevention
among African Armed Forces. Unfortunately, we have achieved
no forward movement, and we would welcome any specific
proposals from the Portuguese side.

CIA Flight Inquiry Complicates Gitmo Repatriation Request
--------------------------------------------- ---------------
9. (S/NF) Amado has told me that he would like to assist us
in our efforts to repatriate Guantanamo detainees through
Lajes AirBase. However, given intense CIA Rendition scrutiny
and his own party's left wing opposition to his pro-US slant,
Amado underscored the need to be on firm legal ground before
consenting to do so. Subsequent conversations with MFA staff
indicate that Amado is awaiting the US to address his
concerns before responding to our request.

10. (S/NF) I would like to underscore the delicate balancing
act Amado is confronting in minimizing damage to his
government - however unwarranted - due to previous CIA
Rendition investigations while trying to convince it to grant
our request for access to Lajes AirBase. Unrelenting media
and political attacks which have been ongoing for months
resulted in an atypical outburst before Portugal's Parliament
earlier this week. Amado publicly offered to resign if anyone
could prove the government was complicit in an illegal act
related to CIA flights on Portuguese territory. It would be
of great assistance if you could personally express
appreciation for Amado's steadfastness in supporting the US
position on this issue and his continued contribution of
troops to global operations.

11. (C) I believe you will find the Minister intelligent,
deliberate, and engaging. He will likely raise the
possibility of Prime Minister Jose Socrates meeting with
President Bush in Washington before Portugal assumes the EU
Presidency. I urge you to support this request, and as early
as possible, particularly in view of the fact that it was
made almost two years ago and that Portugal is now working on
the joint EU agenda with Germany and Slovenia. Amado will
also be exploring opportunities to invite high level USG
officials, including yourself, to Portugal during its EU
Presidency and might try to revitalize a BMENA Conference
which did not receive an enthusiastic State Department


Portugal EUA WikiLeaks Cable Luis Amado disse no Parlamento que se demitirá se existirem provas da acusação de cumplicidade do Governo com os voos ilegais de la CIA

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Cable em que Luis Amado compromete a demissão se se provarem as acusações dos voos da CIA

O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal, Luis Amado, disse no Parlamento que se demitirá se existirem provas da acusação de cumplicidade do Governo com os voos ilegais de la CIA.

ID: 82691
Date: 2006-10-20 16:52:00
Origin: 06LISBON2365
Source: Embassy Lisbon
Classification: SECRET//NOFORN
Dunno: 05LISBON1609 06LISBON1921
Destination: VZCZCXYZ0020

DE RUEHLI #2365/01 2931652
P 201652Z OCT 06

S E C R E T LISBON 002365



E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/19/2026

REF: A. 2005 LISBON 1609
B. LISBON 1921


1. (S/NF) Summary: Portugal's Foreign Minister offered to
resign if opposition forces can demonstrate any complicity on
the part of the government regarding alleged illegal CIA
rendition flights through Portuguese territory. While a
government investigation has refuted these allegations, the
saga continues due to continued opposition party and European
Parliament pressure. This pressure complicates the US
request to repatriate Guantanamo detainees via Portugal. End

2. (U) Ongoing pressure from Portugal's Left Bloc and from
the European Parliament led to a testy exchange in Portugal's
Parliament on October 18, in which Foreign Minister Luis
Amado offered to resign if the opposition could prove
Government of Portugal (GOP) complicity with the USG
regarding alleged illegal CIA flights violating Portuguese

3. (U) Amado's most recent testimony reflected that of his
predecessor, Diogo Freitas do Amaral in December 2005 (Ref A)
and his own earlier testimony on September 5 this year,
noting the GOP had completed an investigation that discovered
no information to support allegations that CIA flights
violated Portugal's territory or airspace to transport
terrorism suspects. Amado told the Parliamentary Committee
that "None of the explanations or data collected...
constitutes a credible indication that the law may have been
broken on Portuguese soil." He went on to tell reporters
that a joint investigation by four government departments,
also involving the country's intelligence agencies,
immigration service and flight control authorities, conducted
a review of plane movements but found no firm evidence."
Amado admitted that the alleged CIA flights might have come
through Portugal, but added that Portugal "has nothing to be
ashamed of." According to the Minister, there is no evidence
that the CIA committed illegal acts in Portuguese territory
and even stated that he has had nothing but "total
transparency and cooperation" from American authorities.

4. (U) Freitas do Amaral had offered the government
investigation as a way to address the allegations. The
results, however, have not silenced the GOP's critics,
especially in the Left Bloc or the European Parliament.
Portugal's Parliament has established an ad hoc committee
to continue hearings on the subject and a delegation from the
European Parliament is scheduled to visit Portugal in
December to interview Amado, who has declined to visit
Brussels to meet with Euro Deputies.

Effect on Repatriation Request
5. (S/NF) Amado's testimony reflects the continued political
and media pressure on the GOP regarding this subject and
makes the GOP's efforts to assist in repatriation of
Guantanamo detainees all the more difficult. It is critical
that Washington readers recognize the GOP's need to ensure
that it is on solid legal ground regarding our request on

6. (S/NF) Portuguese law, as interpreted by the GOP (which
could change), requires written assurance by the final
destination country that detainees will not be tortured or
receive the death penalty as well as a US guarantee that they
will be treated according to internationally-recognized
conventions in the destination country. Without these
assurances, the GOP will have difficulty n supporting
repatriation flights through Portuguese territory or
airspace. We eagerly await Washington addressees response to
the Portuguese points as discussed Ref C. The GOP will
undoubtedly expect this issue to be discussed at the October
24 meeting between Amado and Secretary Rice in Washington.

The Media
7. (U) The local press eagerly reprints hearsay on this
tantalizing subject as left wing politicians unveil "new
facts" every few days to fan the political fires. Post
believes the media will continue to sensationalize the issue
as long as it has legs.

8. (S/NF) The normally unflappable Amado lost his cool during
the testimony; an event that is completely out of character
and shows the effects of unrelenting media and political
attacks. Despite this outburst, we believe Amado will

continue to reiterate what the investigation has revealed -
the government has no evidence of illegal CIA flights
on/through Portuguese territory. However, Post underscores
the delicate balancing act Amado is confronting in minimizing
damage to his government - however unwarranted - due to the
CIA Rendition investigation while trying to convince it to
grant our request to repatriate Guantanamo detainees through
Lajes. Right now, it would be to our advantage to stroke him
a lot.

Portugal WikiLeaks Cable EUA Pedem Autorização Uzo base das Lajes para Transportar Presos Guantánamo

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Cable onde EUA pedem autorização para usar a base das Lajes para repatriar prisioneiros de Guantánamo
O embaixador dos EUA em Lisboa, Alfred Hoffman, pede ao ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal, Luis Amado, luz verde para o uso da base das Lajes (Açores), para escala ds vuelos de repatriamento de prisioneiros de Guantánamo

ID: 77718
Date: 2006-09-08 16:57:00
Origin: 06LISBON1921
Source: Embassy Lisbon
Classification: SECRET
Dunno: 05LISBON1609 06LISBON1593 06LISBON1845 06STATE147780
Destination: VZCZCXYZ0008

DE RUEHLI #1921/01 2511657
O 081657Z SEP 06

S E C R E T LISBON 001921



E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/07/2026

REF: A. STATE 147780
B. 2005 LISBON 1609
C. LISBON 1845
D. LISBON 1593

Classified By: Classified by Pol/Econ Officer Cari Enav for reasons 1.4
(a) (b) and (d)


1. (S/NF) Ambassador Hoffman's meeting with Foreign
Minister Amado on September 8 covered the waterfront of
issues. The Minister said that he would push hard with the
Prime Minister to allow Lajes to be used as a transit point
in repatriating Guantanamo detainees (ref a). During recent
closed testimony before the Portuguese Parliament, he did not
diverge from his predecessor's position that the Portuguese
government was not aware of any CIA flights on/through
Portugal (ref b). He highlighted the EU's increased
involvement in the Middle East, calling for greater
engagement with Syria to isolate Iran. Amado said he would
encourage other members of the Community of
Portuguese-speaking Nations (CPLP) to vote for Guatemala for
the UNSC. Amado reiterated his request to meet with
Secretary Rice as soon as possible to discuss the Guantanamo

detainee repatriation request in addition to Portugal's
upcoming EU Presidency agenda.

Transit at Lajes for Detainee Flights
2. (S/NF) Ambassador Hoffman gave the Foreign Minister a
copy of President Bush's Sept. 6 speech on the Global War on
Terrorism, noting the President's desire to be transparent
and to address the suspended state of many Guantanamo
detainees. He asked the Minister if the USG could use Lajes
as a transit point for flights returning detainees to their
home countries, per ref a. Minister Amado said that he
needed to check with the Prime Minister who would be
difficult to convince, but that he would push hard for
Portuguese cooperation so long as there was total
transparency. Details would need to be worked out; there
would need to be a clear political approach. He underscored
that there could be tremendous negative fallout if this was
not done right. The timing was not ideal on the heels of his
Sept. 5 testimony on CIA flights. He promised to provide an
interim answer next week. He said that he needed to meet
with Secretary Rice to discuss this and a host of related

3. (S/NF) Amado said that the return of Guantanamo detainees
would be an excellent opportunity for the USG to "turn the
page" and to begin working on a new human rights image.
Europe understood the USG reaction to the horrific events of
9/11, but it was time to return to normalcy since effective
security measures had been put in place. He noted that Europe
and the US shared a value system and that this initiative
provided an excellent base upon which to rebuild the
framework of cooperation.

Testimony on CIA Flights
4. (C) Minister Amado said that his Sept. 5 closed-door
testimony on CIA flights before Portugal's Parliament did not
diverge from his predecessor's position that the Portuguese
government was not aware of any CIA flights on/ through
Portuguese soil. Amado commented, "I said what (Freitas do
Amaral) said." He also reiterated the government's
willingness to revamp the legal framework for the clearance
process. He added that Freitas do Amaral had sent a letter
to the European Parliament's Temporary Committee
investigating CIA flights in response to its inquiries.
Amado commented that the media had misquoted him when it said
that he had acknowledged CIA flights. All he said was that
he had the same list of flights as Eurocontrol had.

5. (C) In addition to European Parliament agitation on this
issue, Amado expressed a need to control his own Socialist
Party. He said there was not a broad consensus within the
party to pursue a strong transatlantic foreign policy and
that there was concern that the "left wing" within the party
could break away in response to the government's handling of
human rights and security issues.

6. (C) Ambassador Hoffman assured Amado that the US was very
careful to abide by all its agreements with Portugal - in
word and in spirit - and that the Ambassador had shared all
the information he had on the subject with Amado.

Underscoring USG position on Middle East
--------------------------------------------- -------
7. (C) Ambassador Hoffman thanked Amado for his pro-active
role within the EU during the recent conflict in Lebanon and
for Portugal's contribution to UNIFIL. He urged Portugal to
encourage continued EU coordination on Middle East policy,
underscored the four principles guiding US policy on Syria,
and reiterated the importance of diplomatically isolating
Iran. He asked that Portugal encourage other EU members to
do the same and that Portugal inform Post in advance of any
official meetings with controversial figures.

EU's New Role
8. (C) Amado commented that at the beginning of August, the
EU had "nothing to say" on developments in the Middle East,
and that many member-states were afraid that the conflict in
Lebanon would spiral out of control. A month later, the
Council of Ministers had met three times and agreed to pursue
a greater political and military role - beyond the
traditional role of providing development and humanitarian
assistance. Amado underscored that there was a strong desire
within the EU to coordinate initiatives with the US so as not
to open a new rift in the transatlantic relationship. He
said the EU needed "to coordinate internally, with the US and
with Russia" on finding solutions to the Middle East's many

Amado says - Engage Syria, Isolate Iran
--------------------------------------------- ------
9. (C) Amado said that Iran posed the greatest threat since
WWII - alluding to the country's growing influence in the
Middle East, the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, and its
nuclear program - and underscored the need for all sides to
work together on solving the problem. (Note: He did not
offer any concrete examples.) He agreed with the USG's four
basic principles on Syria. However, he added, the EU thought
it was important to engage Syria, and that by doing so, the
West would be in a better position to isolate Iran. On the
other hand, if the West isolated Syria, it would push the
country further into Iran's sphere of influence. He noted
that officials from Finland, Greece, Germany and Spain had
recently met with Syrian officials, and he encouraged the US
to have greater political contact with Syria. He said that
he had agreed to meet with Syrian Foreign Minister Bilal
after learning that several Socialist Party members had
already agreed to do so (ref c) .

10. (C) Amado said that the EU wanted to isolate Iran by
enhancing the role of the Arab League in drawing a
distinction between Arab and Islamic identity. Limiting the
spread of Islamic fundamentalismhe declared, could limit
Iran's influence in the Muslim world. He did not buy into
any of the claims by Syrian Information Minister Bilal that
the US was to blame for all the Middle East's woes,
underscoring to Bilal the strong US-Portuguese alliance and
the strong role the US played in the global arena. He urged
Syria to focus on the issues, not play the blame game.

Urging the CPLP to support Guatemala
--------------------------------------------- ---
11. (C) The Ambassador encouraged Portugal to reach out to
the Lusophone community to urge support for Guatemala's
election to the UNSC. Amado said he planned to do so when he
meets with members of the Community of Portuguese Speaking
Nations (CPLP) in New York later this month. Amado would
not confirm an official visit by Hugo Chavez to Portugal
later this year (ref d). While admitting that they could
not hold him off forever, Amado commented that no
arrangements had been made to receive Chavez. He added that
he had recently met with Brazilian President Lula, who he
thought could offer useful insight into dealing with
Venezuela. Portugal planned to have greater dialogue with
Lula should he win reelection. He emphasized the need for
strong US engagement with Brazil to manage the Venezuela

12. (S/NF) As usual, this was a very friendly and
broad-ranging discussion. Amado is very pro-American and
extremely accessible. He was strongly supportive of our
request to use Lajes as a refueling/transit point for Gitmo
detainees being returned to their home countries and was
prepared to press the Prime Minister for an expeditious and
positive response, so long as we continue to be fully
transparent with the GOP about the flights.

WikiLeaks Cablegate Portugal Sócrates Aprovou Secretamente Voos da CIA Transportando Presos Guantánamo

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 Voos da CIA Sócrates aprovou em segredo os voos desde Guantánamo
Portugal deu luz verde ao uso do espaço aéreo luso e da base das Lajes para repatriamento de presos da prisão dos Estados Unidos.- Lisboa reconheceu que foi uma decisão difícil

O primeiro ministro português, José Sócrates, e o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Luis Amado, autorizaram o uso da Base das Lajes, nos Açores, para voos e sobrevoos americanos provenientes da prisão de Guantánamo com prisioneiros repatriados, apesar de o Governo luso liderado por José Socrates sempre o ter negado publicamente. Varios cables da Embaixada de EE UU em Lisboa entre os anos 2006 e 2009 falam das pressões de Washington e da cautela com que actuou o Executivo português para autorizar estes voos. As denuncias da existencia de prisões clandestinas na Europa (Roménia e Polonia) e os voos secretos da CIA, transportando clandestinamente em aviões estadounidenses para Guantánamo, presos de origem árabe, suspeitos de terrorismo, habían levantado una gran polvareda en Portugal.

Telegramas apontam condições impostas para uso das Lajes.

O embaixador dos EUA em Lisboa, Alfred Hoffman, enviou vários telegramas para Washington entre 2006 e 2007 em que fala da forma cautelosa como o primeiro-ministro, José Sócrates, e o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Luís Amado, autorizaram o uso da Base das Lajes, nos Açores, para voos e sobrevoos americanos provenientes da prisão de Guantánamo. Mensagens que demonstram ter havido pressão por parte dos EUA e grande secretismo.

"Sócrates aceitou permitir o repatriamento, caso a caso, de combatentes inimigos de Guantánamo através da Base Aérea das Lajes", sublinha o diplomata numa mensagem enviada em Setembro de 2007, uns dias antes do encontro na Casa Branca entre o chefe do Governo português e o presidente Bush.

"Foi uma decisão difícil por causa das constantes críticas dos meios de comunicação portugueses e de elementos esquerdistas do seu próprio partido devido à polémica sobre os voos da CIA", acrescenta Hoffman, num telegrama filtrado pela WikiLeaks e que foi publicado no site do El País.

O diplomata sublinha que a luz verde de Sócrates ao sobrevoo e uso das Lajes nunca foi tornada pública e que, face a isso, o procurador-geral da República "foi obrigado a analisar uma compilação de notícias da imprensa facilitadas por um membro do Parlamento Europeu sobre as operações da CIA através de Portugal".

Num outro telegrama próximo da mesma data, Hoffman fala de Luís Amado e escreve que o ministro também autorizou o repatriamento de presos de Guantánamo pelas Lajes - "caso a caso em determinadas circunstâncias" -, embora não o revelasse publicamente.

As primeiras diligências do embaixador americano junto do chefe da diplomacia portuguesa sobre os voos de repatriamento de Guantánamo estão espelhadas num telegrama de Setembro de 2006 em que Hoffman informa Washington sobre uma reunião que teve com Amado por este assunto. O ministro disse que teria de falar primeiro com o chefe do Governo, mas avisava que não iria ser fácil convencer Sócrates. No entanto, comprometeu-se a fazer tudo o que estivesse ao seu alcance para o conseguir e, segundo o telegrama, sentenciou: "Se não o fizermos bem, pode ser um tremendo fracasso."

Um mês depois, Amado foi confrontado no Parlamento com a alegada cumplicidade do Governo português na transferência de prisioneiros. Na altura, o ministro negou laconicamente as acusações e atirou: "Se me provar isso, demito-me no dia seguinte."

Mesmo assim, Amado chegou a admitir que "os presumíveis voos da CIA poderiam ter sobrevoado Portugal, mas o seu Governo não tinha de se envergonhar de nada".

Em Maio de 2008, depois de ter vindo a público um relatório europeu que comprometia Portugal, foi a vez de Sócrates negar o envolvimento do Executivo português. Em resposta a Francisco Louçã, no Parlamento, o primeiro-ministro afirmou: "Nenhum membro deste Governo, nunca este Governo foi informado ou recebeu qualquer espécie de pedido de autorização para sobrevoo do nosso espaço aéreo, ou para aterragem na Base das Lajes, de aviões que se destinassem ao transporte ou à transferência de prisioneiros. Nunca aconteceu neste Governo, nem temos no MNE nada que o comprove."